

Air Cycle 333-210-CHU

You save $36.11
Customer Reviews


The Air Cycle 333-210-CHU is a must-have accessory for the Bulb Eater 3L fluorescent tube recycler. This innovative add-on ensures safe disposal of U-bend and Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL). Designed to meet the specific needs of certified operators, the U-bend and CFL removable chute provides a hassle-free and efficient solution for lamp recycling.

When it comes to environmental responsibility, proper disposal of U-bend and CFL lamps is essential. These types of lamps contain hazardous materials, such as mercury, that can be harmful if not disposed of correctly. With the Air Cycle 333-210-CHU, you can rest assured that you are following proper protocols for lamp recycling.

Easy to install and use, this chute seamlessly attaches to the Bulb Eater 3L, allowing for convenient disposal of U-bend and CFL lamps. Simply follow the documentation provided for proper setup and usage instructions, ensuring the safety of both the operator and the environment.

The Air Cycle 333-210-CHU offers a reliable and secure solution for disposing of U-bend and CFL lamps, guaranteeing compliance with all relevant safety regulations. By using this add-on, certified operators can confidently fulfill their responsibilities regarding lamp recycling, reducing the potential risks associated with improper disposal.

Investing in the Air Cycle 333-210-CHU means investing in the safety of your employees and the environment. By properly disposing of U-bend and CFL lamps, you contribute to the overall sustainability efforts of your organization.

Choose the Air Cycle 333-210-CHU and take the necessary steps to ensure the safe and responsible disposal of U-bend and CFL lamps. With its easy installation, user-friendly operation, and compliance with safety regulations, this add-on is a valuable asset for any Bulb Eater 3L owner.

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Terracycle Air Cycle Bulb Eater
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